WEAVE Interview
April is sexual assault awareness month: recognizing the sheer number of people who experience violence and the systems that perpetuate it.
WEAVE works to promote safe and healthy relationships and to support survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and sex trafficking.
Learn why these crimes are so unreported and what we can do to help.
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May 7, 2021
Why So Many Sexual Assault Crimes Go Unreported and How to Change This
#205 Great.com Talks With... WEAVE
Domestic violence rates are now higher than ever. Exacerbated by the widespread lockdown, people have been literally trapped inside their own homes with their abuser. Woven into this topic though, are a myriad of complexities which often result in crimes remaining unreported. Victims deal with shame, guilt and embarrassment; often there are no witnesses and thus victims can think that their stories will not be believed. On top of this, navigating the legal system in order to seek justice is fraught with it’s own trauma and emotional lengthy journey. In this episode, we spoke with Beth Hassett from WEAVE about their work to break the cycle of violence by educating communities to better understand the issues surrounding sexual assault and domestic abuse.
Holistic Support that Breaks the Cycle of Violence and Abuse
Abuse comes in many different shapes and forms - physical violence, sexual violation, emotional, spiritual - which is why WEAVE are dedicated to tackle the systematic roots of these issues as well as providing holistic support for survivors. WEAVES services focus on individual and group therapeutic counselling to help people navigate through the trauma they have experienced. They also offer legal services, protective measures, a residential program and transitional housing where people can stay up to two years. Beth explains how essential it is to offer extensive support which allows the individual to regain their sense of control, self-esteem and safety in the world, rebuilding their lives and overcoming their traumas in their own time.
“We’re meeting basic needs and trying to help people be on a good footing when they leave...continuing education, getting set up with a new job...whatever the survivor has identified as what they need to be strong and safe, more resilient and ready to move through their life and not become a victim or perpetrator themselves.”
Listen to the whole interview to find out how you can raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence and checkout WEAVE Learn for relevant training programs available. You can also visit WEAVE’s website for essential help services, important resources and ways that you can get involved.
Want to learn more about WEAVE? You can subscribe to their newsletter, checkout their news section and follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Great.com was founded in 2017 with the goal of generating donations to stop climate change. The organization operates within the typically uncharitable online casino industry, where it tries to create something good out of something sometimes harmful. Great.com generates profits by competing with traditional casino companies in Google search rankings for online gaming signups coming from search terms such as borgota online and Online Casinos Nj. All profits are then donated towards causes fighting against climate change. So far They have generated donations of over $1.3 million.