#39 – Wanna be my Yoda?
Erik is not only the founder of Great but also made 50 million Euros before turning 30. According to him, finding mentors have contributed a lot to his success. In this podcast, he will present 10 steps for finding a mentor and building up a nurturing relationship.
April 19, 2020
Wanna be my Yoda?
Erik is not only the founder of Great but also made 50 million Euros before turning 30. According to him, finding mentors have contributed a lot to his success. In this podcast, he will present 10 steps for finding a mentor and building up a nurturing relationship.
[00:00:00] I am here with Erik Bergman in the house. Actually, I’m in his house in Malta, enjoying the sun and recording this podcast about how to find a mentor. And Erik is a good guy to ask a couple of questions about this, because not only is he the founder of Great, but he also made 50 million euros before turning 30. And I know, according to him, finding mentors and role models has been a big part of that.
[00:00:31] So, hey, Erik.
[00:00:33] Do you do you need a mentor at this stage or do you already know everything in the world?
[00:00:39] Well, I would say that if you take Yoda and Gandalf and you put those two together, you you get me. So what do you think? Would a guy like that need a mentor?
[00:00:54] Just stuck between this, a tiny guy with a white beard or is it a tall green guy?
[00:01:02] Either way, yes, I think so. I definitely need a mentor because I don’t know the answer to that question. Let’s say if if that guy knew that I went mentor, he should probably listen to this episode and find out why.
[00:01:13] If Green told Jode or short white bearded Green gandolf needed a mentor. This is the episode to listen to. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And thank you for that introduction. I’m here with Emil, who is my good friends since many, many years. He is the host of this podcast. His. Probably the smartest guy I know, but don’t tell him that. And he was the first guy joining me into this project of greats. I’m very happy to be doing this podcast with you, buddy.
[00:01:46] Thank you for having me. Shab Bam, right back atcha. And together, this is becoming a great podcast, a podcast for people who want to make the world better through entrepreneurs, ships. And I think some things you can learn from only from experience. And some things you can learn from other people. So what things do you think is the most beneficial to learn from a mentor and not do mistakes on your own?
[00:02:15] Well, I think one of the main benefits of having a mentor is that you can learn from someone else’s mistakes. I think that mistakes is one of the most powerful ways of learning anything. And someone who has been on the journey is you want to go on. We’ll have made a lot of the mistakes that you will do. They will have learned a lot of things. So I’m not sure if there is one specific thing to learn from a mentor. It’s more like. They’ve already done a lot of the things you want to do, so it helps to know which road they took. It’s kind of like imagine you want to walk through a forest and, you know, we walked through that forest before us. You don’t know if you want to take a left by that mountain or if you want to take a right by the river or whatever you want to do. And if you’re going alone, you’re going to take the wrong track a lot of the time. And if you’re going with a mentor, it will help you a lot to make these decisions. And you would probably get lost quite a few times anyway. You might drown a little bit in the lake. You might fall out from that mountain a few times, but at least you will have someone there holding your hand to pull you out of the water and catch you when you’re falling. And I think that’s what a mentor can be for.
[00:03:32] Mm hmm.
[00:03:34] So is that a mentor to you then? Is it someone that is holding your hand, catching you where you’re falling or. Can I meant to be someone on an online video, for example? Is it? Does it have to be someone you know personally?
[00:03:50] No, definitely not. I would say that someone in a video online can help you through this forest and can help you to get back on your feet.
[00:04:00] So, for example, imagine that you made some mistakes in your business. Whatever that is. And you were feeling really down.
[00:04:11] If you have a role model online that you’re following on YouTube, you might not even need to talk to them for them to be able to lift you up and both you with energy again.
[00:04:20] And so, sure, it will help if you have something right next to you. They can talk to you specifically about this situation, but you can definitely have mentors that you’ve never met or never spoken to.
[00:04:31] So how would you define what a mentor it’s before we get into the ten steps? I think I shouldn’t say that now. We might be more, but the steps towards finding a mentor.
[00:04:43] I think that’s a tricky question, actually. How would you define a mentor? Do you have a definition for it?
[00:04:51] Not a super clear one I’m seeing, of course, the Joad gandolf character in my head now, and I’m seeing someone that is more knowledgeable than me in a certain area and is sharing their life wisdom.
[00:05:09] Yeah, so I’m not sure if there is a clear, definite while there probably is a clear definition if you looking some fancy old book, but my definition of a mentor is do you mean Google the other Francey old book Google?
[00:05:23] You know, the one that you can blow on it and it’s just a big cloud of dust, that Google thing.
[00:05:33] I’m funny. I think I’m fine regardless. So when I say mentor and if we stick to my definition of mentor, then it is someone I can ask questions to and get guidance and preferably someone who enjoys me asking questions. So not just someone who’s answering out of obligation, but someone who wants me to come to them with their questions and who wants to help out. So think someone who has done the things that I want to do, or at least in the same range of things that I’ve done want to do. And who can help me on that path? I would say as a mentor.
[00:06:12] All right. I’m too excited now. Let’s get into the 10 steps of how to find a mentor. But do you feel the rocket taking off, Erik? Do you feel it? No. I’m more like the drum roll do. All right. Right. OK. I can’t wait any longer. Step number one, according to Erik Bertman, is find someone you want as a mentor. Would you elaborate?
[00:06:35] Yes. So the first thing is to ask myself, who do I actually want as a mentor? And then the best thing is probably to take three steps back from that. So if you want a mentor in, let’s say, investing, your perfect scenario is Warren Buffett. How your likelihood of getting Warren Buffett is less likely than gandolf and Jode actually getting married and having these told Greenplum child together. So the key is to aim aim high enough. And to me, that means. Look for a mentor. That is a couple of years ahead of you on the Curve. Not 10 years, not 15 years. Not super far ahead, but a bit ahead. Because the key with a person like this is that they’ve done what you want to do. They’ve done it fairly recently and they’re probably quite approachable. They haven’t gotten a hundred questions before. I mean, imagine how many people who have tried to get Warren Buffett as mentor. Probably millions of people in various locations. So if you’re reaching out for someone close enough, that’s gonna make the probability of them, say, being a mentor much likely. And a key for me here as well is to. Try to find several different ones, because a big part about this is not how who’s you are or how you approach them is where are they in their lives? Do they even have time for someone else or have they just gotten a kid? Is their company running bad? What else is going on in their life? And it might be that you reaching out and it feels like they are ignoring you. And they probably are. And it’s easy to take it personally, even though it might just be that they’re in a tricky place in life. So find different options of who you would like to be as your mentor and do that as a step one in not too far ahead of you.
[00:08:33] Do you think it makes sense to go for many mentors? Or should you put all your effort into finding one?
[00:08:40] No, I would go for many. So I have a ton of mentors in various areas where most of them are close friends of mine who I just look up to. I see you as one of my biggest mentors. And I think that’s that’s a key thing. And I have people who know a lot more than me in various areas and that are my mentors in some areas. So. Mentor is a strong word, but a general guidance. So if I have a question about something, for example, no, on on social media and then I’m reaching out to my friend Michel because he has done similar things like do you think this is a good idea?
[00:09:17] So he’s kind of mentoring me in that very specific niche of knowledge.
[00:09:23] Gotcha. So let’s move on to step number two in finding this mentor, and that is don’t ask them to be your mentor. Why?
[00:09:33] Yeah, I love this advice. I think it’s super brilliant and mainly because I came up with it myself and he said, so the thing is, I get a lot of messages, people asking me to be their mentor. And this goes with what does being a mentor even include? So if someone asks me for something that sounds like it’s a very big task and I don’t have the time to make that commitment, I’m just gonna say no. And I don’t even know what a mentor really means. We don’t have a clear definition for it. So if you reach out and you ask, can you be my mentor? The probability of them say no is very, very high. So if you just skip that question, you instead to try and kind of make them your mentor without them even knowing it. And we’ll get to that in the further steps. That’s a much better way, because then you haven’t really cut and you don’t give them the opportunity of saying no. And you don’t take the risk of asking for too much. Early on, does this make sense? Yeah, it makes a lot of sense.
[00:10:37] So you don’t want to go too quickly if. Yeah, it’s like if you’re on a date, you don’t want to try to kiss someone when you barely know them.
[00:10:47] You think that’s a pretty solid analogy, actually. So basically I get emails and people asking me in the second sentence if I can be their mentor and I don’t know anything about them. I don’t know if they’re eager to learn, if they’re smart, if they want to help me with anything. I just know they want to me to teach them a lot of things, which is more or less like you going up to someone in a supermarket saying hi and then trying to kiss them. And the only thing they know about you is that you want to kiss them. They don’t know anything else. And that’s pretty much the same situation. I just know that they want something from me, since it’s a shitty place to start from because. I will just say no if I get that message and I mean, you’re really good looking, so I can imagine women say, yes, if you go up kissing them in supermarkets and then probably cry all the time, the probability is not 100 percent.
[00:11:41] Yeah. So that’s OK. So let’s move on to number three then, which is the antidote to this, which is find ways to add value to this person.
[00:11:53] Yes. So let’s say you have found this mentor that you want to teach you things and you have not reached out to them yet. You have not said, can you please be my mentor? Instead, you’re asking yourself, how can I start by adding value to this person’s life? What can I do that will make their lives better? Because if you’re starting from that place, you are going to have a much better chance of reaching out. So if you’re starting with an example on on how you could do this. Let’s start with a woman in the restaurant, in the supermarket analogy that if you start and you actually talk to her about her with things that she cares about and you show genuine interest, you’re kind of adding value to her day in comparison to just going up and trying to kiss her. Might not be the best example. So let’s go with let’s say you want some influencer to be your mentor. You want to succeed on social media, which is something that I do right now. You could either send them a straight message on Instagram and say, hey, can you teach me or you can become one of their most active followers. So you start commenting on everything that they do. You start sharing their posts. You start liking everything that they do. And this influencer will then see, wow, this guy e-mail. He’s really active in my comments. He’s been writing comments. He’s been sharing. And they will feel appreciated. They will feel valued. And they will already started liking you for just doing that to find you. And they know that you like them, which usually means that the person would like you back.
[00:13:34] Exactly. They know that you like them. So if you do this for a while, then that’s a great way of adding value and doesn’t have to be an influencer. Or maybe someone else is active on social media. And if they’re not active on social media, maybe you can understand what might this person need and just find a way of helping them with it. Offer to be be their assistance. For example, have a new assistant. His name is Karim. Awesome guy. Super brilliant. He sent a message to me just a couple of weeks ago and he said, Erik, I like this and this and this is what you’re doing. Can I please help you with anything? I just want to learn. And I asked him what kind of task he wanted to do. And he said, I can do pretty much anything from an assistant basis. And he wanted to do it for free. I gave him some simple tasks and he did it super well. He did it brilliantly. So I started to give him more tasks and he did them really well. And after five days of hard work, I said, Hey, man, you’re too good for this. You cannot no longer work for free. Here’s the salary. And that would never have happened if he didn’t started this conversation saying, can I please help you? And just trying to add value. He didn’t try to take anything from me. He didn’t ask for anything else. Then the opportunity of helping. So it could be pretty much anything.
[00:14:51] Right.
[00:14:52] So start by offering value instead of asking for something before you have given first. Yes. Right. So let’s move on to number four, which is to show appreciation and be specific.
[00:15:09] Yes. Now it’s time to start reaching out to this person. So either you reached out from the beginning or kind of you said, can I help you? Or you became very active in their social media or whatever happened. And a key element here is to say why you are reaching out to this person. So if you’re following them on social media, maybe. I’m so happy that you shared this story that one time that meant this for me. It changed my life in this way. And I just want to say thank you. What’s happening here is that you’re giving this person a reason for why you’re contacting them. And you’re saying thank you. You’re showing that they actually mean something for you and have done something great in your life. And what that effectively does is that this person feel valued. They feel important. And you’re actually meeting a need in this person because everyone has the need of feeling important and valued. So you’re already here coming in. You kind of doing them a favor just by doing this. They will be more inspired to do things on social media or wherever that is. They will get more energy and they will feel I’m a meaningful.
[00:16:22] Would you elaborate on why it’s important to be specific when you give the appreciation?
[00:16:28] Yes. So let’s say. Everything sounds more trustworthy. If it is specific, let’s say you you come to work and you have a new t shirt on you and I say, nice t shirt. That could mean anything. It could mean that I like your t shirt or it could mean that. Well, I’ve at least I’ve noticed kind of you. It’s probably a nice thing, but it’s not very specific. But if I instead say, wow, I really like your t shirt and how would you match the color of the t shirt with your new with your sneakers? That’s really cool. It becomes a lot more believable and it becomes a lot more easier to take in than just nice t shirt because you can see that I’ve actually given it thought and I’m specific with what I’m referring to.
[00:17:21] Right. And it makes it seem less like it’s just something this person is saying to everyone. They have actually given some thought into this and it’s something that they mean.
[00:17:33] Yeah, exactly. It’s yeah, I think specificity. It’s a tricky word to say. Being specific helps out in every situation where you want to feel trustworthy.
[00:17:45] Right. So you’re given appreciation and you have been specific in it. So point number five, to find your mentor is to start asking questions and ask for advice.
[00:17:58] Yes. So now you have built up a relationship with this person in one way or another where you have actually given more value than you have taken, which is a great place to come from, because now they will want to help you because as human beings, we kind of want to even out the score. If someone has given us something, we want to give something back. Does that make sense?
[00:18:20] Reciprocate represents a cost. Yes. Transferred to a separate across it. We need to study more English. Let’s not go there regardless.
[00:18:29] So, for example, I’ve read this study about tips in restaurants that if the waiter leaves the receipt together with two small pieces of candy, that increases the tips by 15 percent.
[00:18:44] Basically, what it’s doing is I give you something and the person who got it feels a bigger want or need to give something back. And that’s the situation where we’re in now. You’ve already given appreciation. Are you giving your time? You’re given something. So this person will feel a lot more likely to want to help you. And this happens to me quite frequently. So when someone has been very active on my social media and reaches out to me with a question, I feel so much more engaged in that reply. I feel I really want to give back to this person. I send them a much longer reply or a much more detailed story or what it is, because I feel that this person has already given me something. I want to give them something back. So if you’re coming from this place, when you ask a question for the first time, you you’re so much more likely to get a long, detailed, valuable answer.
[00:19:40] All right, so you have given value to the mentor, you’re reaching out asking questions and for advice. Now, point number six, which is to try all the things that the mentor suggests. And what then?
[00:19:54] Yeah. So basically, if you’re have someone you can ask questions to and they are happy to reply, you kind of already have a mentor. So you could say that this is the five steps to get a mentor and you’re kind of there. These five steps are how do you get this mentor to be really engaged in you and really want to help you over the long term. So what happens here is step 6 is that if you’ve been getting advice from from someone and you do them straight away and you come back with a mentor to the mentor and say, I learned this or that or this didn’t work or whatever happened. What do you actually sub communicate here is that I really listen to the advice you gave me. I tried it straight away, so I’m eager to learn. And I really want to learn. And I’m coming back to you to show that. And already doing these three things make you stand out so far from other people reaching out. So I get a lot of people asking me questions and I give a lot of answers. And very rarely someone comes back to me with actual results. But when someone does, I feel like, wow, I really want to help this guy more. I want to help him or her. I want to give them more of my time because they value it. But if you don’t come back with anything, if you don’t try it, have other people I told, OK?
[00:21:13] The best thing that you can do is to listen to this podcast and then it takes three months and they come back with your questions. And I ask them, did you listen to the podcast? And they say, no. And I’m like.
[00:21:26] Man, you are a surprisingly common.
[00:21:30] Yeah, it’s like I ask. You ask me for advice. I gave you advice. You didn’t even listen to a podcast.
[00:21:36] Yeah, that happens from time to time with people around me to have a conversation about something. I feel like I’m giving value and then they don’t even try what we touch. But we talked about and I know for me how much less I want to put energy into that into their development for the next time that happens.
[00:22:00] I mean, why would I come with another suggestion if they didn’t get this into the first one? Yeah. So in.
[00:22:09] I would say 90 percent of the people don’t get back with any feedback on these things, at least not in my case. So by just being someone who very quickly does this, you have so much, you will stand out very easily if you get data. If someone asked you to write a book, read a book, not write a book, that’s a big question. Read a book. And if you read it within the next week and you come back. Yes. So far ahead of the game of anyone else, this person I’ve spoken to in the last months, and it’s a game changer.
[00:22:43] All right, so you have changed the game by reading the book or whatever task you get now step number seven is to ask to buy them lunch or coffee. So now it’s real. Right. You’re gonna meet them in person. Yeah. No, I do. I don’t. Don’t do.
[00:23:02] Yeah. No, it’s basically just. So we already have the mentor in a way. We just want to build on this relationship and make it more real. And a lot of people come in similar to asking me to be the mentor.
[00:23:16] It’s very common that they ask for a lunch or something like that in the first message as well. It’s way too early. It’s like trying to kiss the girl before you said hi. No is a good time to get to that point and start building a real relationship. This is a great point to show more of that appreciation. Show what you learned. Prepare and read the book. They had suggested on beforehand or even ask them, is there anything that you think that I should do before we meet and do that? Because if you’ve done that and you come there, you’re gonna be their favorite student. You’re gonna be the person they really want to help because you’re listening. So ask for advice during a lunch like this. Ask for feedback. Ask if there is something you can do for them.
[00:24:00] And you’re gonna be golden.
[00:24:03] And I think something that is worth pointing out here as well is that many people really like to help other people out. I know what you do, for example, especially if someone is an engaged and active and passionate student.
[00:24:21] I think I believe that that’s something that is within pretty much all humans that we love to help. And we’ll have to teach. But that spirit just dies. If they don’t listen.
[00:24:33] I mean, imagine being a math teacher to a 14 year old boys who don’t want to listen. And then you compare that to being teacher to 7 year old kids who really want to learn how to read.
[00:24:49] The.
[00:24:50] And it’s I would hate to teach 14 year old boys, I don’t want to listen. I would love to teach people who really wants to learn.
[00:25:02] I was substituting as a teacher. I did it once. And one teacher called in sick and I just wanted to try this. And I got assigned to teach a class in French. I don’t think it will hurt a French. And people complain about the schooling system. Yeah. I quit. I haven’t heard this through. I haven’t thought about this in years. No, but that wasn’t fun anymore. So what you did. What is should you go be in this lunch or this meeting?
[00:25:36] The goal is just to build a stronger connection with this person, to make them feel that they want to help you. So one. Once again, if we think of the word mentor, it’s feels, at least to me, a bit obligated like you’re supposed to help. And you want them to feel that they really want to help. They genuinely want to be there for you. There is no necessity. There is no specific title. I mean, Luke Skywalker wouldn’t refer to Jonah as his mentor, per say. He would just see him as this old fancy green guy who really wants to help. And that’s the relationship you want.
[00:26:14] Right.
[00:26:17] So what is the difference then between a mentor and a friendship?
[00:26:23] There isn’t necessarily a difference. More than.
[00:26:29] So basically, there is a transaction here. Someone is giving knowledge and someone is giving appreciation or value.
[00:26:39] Somehow you could pay someone to be your mentor and then you get knowledge and returns for money. But you would much rather have a relationship with a mentor where they want to teach you because you value them, because you show that you’re listening and because you do these kinds of things. So in a way, it’s still a transactional relationship and they earn something from this. They earned their feeling of being important. The feeling of being listened to. The feeling of adding value in contributing.
[00:27:07] So it’s actually a transactional thing and a friendship isn’t while it could be, but it’s it’s not the same. Part of that, does that make sense? Sounds.
[00:27:18] Yeah, it makes sense. And I was gonna ask you if you think it is a good idea to pay.
[00:27:25] Fermenter.
[00:27:28] I think there are situations where that makes sense, but I would rather call them. Like a coach or something down there. If there is something very specific you want to learn. Let’s say you want to become a great public speaker and you don’t have someone around you. You don’t know anyone, whatever.
[00:27:48] But you’ve heard about this guy who can teaches you, you teach you for a thousand dollars.
[00:27:54] So you start by paying this person to be part of that mentoring program or whatever and you learn the specific skill. But I think even in a relationship like that, if you keep these things in mind, like how do I add value to this one? How do I show that I really did what they did? How do I do these kinds of things? You will be able to change that from a money transactional perspective to someone who genuinely wants to help you. Someone who would love to pick up the phone when you’re calling and having a problem and will not charge you by the hour. But if you’re coming there, you’re just paying them. They just get money and you give them none of this value. And the things that we’ve been talking about here, you’re not showing them appreciation. You’re not showing them what you learned. You don’t do anything of this. They will only want to teach you if they’re on the clock to pay you. So you can actually turn a transactional relationship money wise into something else. If you do it like this said, I would prefer to find someone who is not in it for the money to start with. But I wouldn’t say that it’s a bad thing to start with someone who’s in it for the money. It’s just that it’s it’s trickier to trust someone’s intentions if they’re asking for money, especially if they wanted upfront. It’s like you don’t know if this guy is really in it to teach you anything. You don’t know if this guy is really good or if he or she is just trying to screw you over someone who is not asking for money. But appreciation can basically never screw you over.
[00:29:27] So how would you summarize? Because we’re kind of blended into point nine and 10 now, if you would, summarize the last points. And then we start wrapping this mentor episode. Yeah, that sounds good. OK. I want to summarize it, too. Yes. A year ago you summarized I’d like to hear your perspective on this. OK. I just want to keep point nine and 10, so start with them. And I know someone who’s. Step number, keep doing this forever.
[00:29:55] Step number 8 was by the end of this lunch. Make sure to summarize what you take with you and preferrably have taken notes. Once again, you want to show that you’re eager to learn. You want to show what you’ve got you. To summarize, the meeting is a while. This and this. And that is things that I’m gonna take with me. And until next time we meet, I’m going gonna read that book or listen to that podcasts. We actually show that you have taken notes. You know what you’re doing. Once again, showing that you value their time. Step nine is simply just keep doing this over and over and over. Ask for meetings. Show that you did what they wanted you to do. Ask for more advice. Give value. Give appreciation. And basically you’ve built a jodelle relationship with whoever it is because they’re gonna want to be around you. They’re gonna want to teach you.
[00:30:44] Because almost no one behaves this way. I’ve so far I have I’ve been mentoring. I don’t know how many people, but lots of them. And people have done this to some extent. No one has done it fully. No one that I consider my kind of mentee is a favorite that stands out from the crowd. They’re all doing parts of this. They’re all doing this in some extent. But none of them have gotten to a point where I feel super eager to help them or where I would go out of my day to help them because they simply haven’t been good enough at these things. But I feel. I feel certain that if someone really did these things well, I would call off meetings just to be able to help them if things happened. I would go out on a limb. I would support them financially because I would feel such a strong bond. And just seeing that. I don’t know. There are hundreds of people who have been reached out. Meet me, be their mentor in one way or another asking questions. And so far, Sero has managed to just do these things and they’re not that hard. So I think it’s an easy list to keep in mind or easy tasks to prove that you will be able to get help from pretty much anyone. If you’re just taking these things.
[00:32:11] Great summary. Can I try aswell? Go ahead. All right, so the main thing for me is to lead with offering value. Don’t ask for anything back, especially not too soon. When you do ask for advice, be sure to do it. Be sure to complete the tasks with enthusiasm, give feedback on what you learned and then really show appreciation. Say when you did this thing for me, that made me feel more clarity in my life, more exciting, more excitement. And it really helped me. So show appreciation. And what’s been really clear to me after listening to this podcast is that this is very similar to building a friendship in general. So I’d say get better at creating friendships and it will be easier to find a mentor as well.
[00:33:03] Yeah, I think you summarized as well and I like you. Before we wrap this up fully, I like to say that I’m having a lot of people that I consider me as their mentor. I have a lot of people that I’m happy to add value to and that show me appreciated that does that as well. So I feel I might have been a little bit harsh now when I said no one does this fully, but a lot of people does this. Well, to a certain extent.
[00:33:28] And a lot of the people that reach out to me do this in various ways. And it makes me realize the power of it, because when someone shows appreciation or if someone reads a book that I’ve asked them to do or this guy Martin the other day, he reached out to me on an Instagram and he started by asking me, how can I help you? And I said, I’d like someone to be very active in my comments on Instagram. And he started commenting and asking a question to a lot of people. I’m like, wow. And then he looked at one of my videos where I said, if you wanna increase your if you want to be more inspired, you need to find inspiring people. You can do that by just trying something new where people are taking their own initiatives. And then I got a message from an three days later and said I just wanted his running group.
[00:34:20] I’ve never been there before. And I met the CFO. Guy got this fancy finance job and he was so inspiring. And he gave me a lots of good advice. And I felt so valued just from hearing that, like, wow, he really listened to my advice. He went straight out there. He got back to me saying that this happened. And I get goose bumps just talking about it now. And he showed it by action, too. He showed it by action.
[00:34:45] That’s a key elements. There are a lot of people around me that does this, and it just shows to me how meaningful it is to me when that happens and how much I care when it happens. So if you want to find a mentor, or at least if people work the way I do mentally and emotionally, this is the way to do it.
[00:35:12] All right.
[00:35:14] So we are doing this podcast become great because we would love to see the world become a better place just a little bit better, and we believe that entrepreneurship is a great way to get there. And this podcast is one of our attempts to create some kind of community feeling. And we would love for more people to hear it.
[00:35:37] So, hey.
[00:35:40] Did you want to practice what we talked about in this episode? Maybe you want Erik as a mentor. Who knows? Try sharing this episode. That would be a great start to help us out. Show it to someone that you can think of that would be in to entrepreneurship and we would really appreciate it.
[00:35:58] Mm hmm.
[00:36:00] This was fun, Erik. Always a pleasure, my friend. And I’ll see you next week. You will.
[00:36:07] Bye bye. Bye bye.